Inspire yourself, inspire others; put yourself into position to be inspired. Whatever it takes to be an instrument of inspiration, do it. When we ourselves are inspired, it is easier to inspire others. When people are inspired, they act more positively: there's a pronounced spring to their step and twinkle in their eye. They become fulfilled with a sense of optimism and hope.
Lately, it seems that so many of us have lost hope and have given up due to all the recent tragedies such as the devastated economy, the epidemic of violence and the perceived breakdown of just about every facet of our society. When hope is viewed as lost, people become angry, frustrated, and very, very afraid. FEAR is the most feared four-letter word in the English language. When people are consumed by fear, they become desperate, irrational and at times, psychotic. They suffer from mass doses of prejudice and intolerance, which can turn into venomous hatred for people who look different or have other politics or beliefs.
What these individuals need is a heavy dose of inspiration. Inspiration can be found almost anywhere. It can be found in religion, or works of art, or in other human beings. I find inspiration from many different sources. From people such as Ghandi, Madame C.J. Walker, Martin Luther King and Thomas Edison, or art, such as great books or plays or films. Just yesterday, I watched the touchingly poetic movie, 'Cry The Beloved Country' that was based on the seminal novel by Alan Paton. That story was so beautifully told and moved me so much, I was mentally and spiritually inspired. Inspired to the point where I decided to write this blog on inspiration.
So my friends, go out and get inspired. Become inspired by something as awesome as a sunset or as genuine as the smile of contented infant. No matter where it comes from, just enjoy it--enjoy the powerful feeling of being inspired!
Rob, I couldn't agree more! We have the choice to fill our head with trash or with treasure, it is up to us to enliven our minds and spirits with positive, fulfilling, inspirational music, art and writing. We are the creators of our own destinies, and it is our right and responsibility to keep ourselves-mind, body and soul- in the state of creativity and inspiration. Your blog is a tribute to positive thinking.
ReplyDeleteHip Hip Huzzah the Bard and Visionary!
Diane T. and furfamily