Exciting new young author, Taquila Thompson was our guest on August 27th. Listen to the Podcast:
Author’s Biography
Taquila Thompson is a 22 year old single mother. She’s from a small town in South Carolina called Ridgeville. She had a troubled childhood and an even more troubled teenage life. At age fourteen she started to write poems as a hobby but after she gave birth to her first daughter at age seventeen she decided that she would pursue writing full time. Then after almost taking her life twice she had another daughter at the age of nineteen who saved her life.
She is now a strong mother with her first children’s series being released in the late Fall of 2011. It is entitled “Not Your Ordinary Family.” She was inspired to write the series from her own experience of growing up with a father in prison and by watching her daughter go through the same situation. So she decided to embrace it and let other families know that they are not alone. She always takes the time to give anyone inspiration when they need it.
Also, in the Summer of 2012 she will be releasing her autobiography entitled “Snapshots of my past” which is her story of how she overcame so much in her life at a young age. She just wants to touch the world one person at a time.