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The Rewritten Word: How to Sculpt Literacy Art no Matter the Genre - Review by Martha A. Cheves, Author of Stir, Laugh, Repeat
`There is more to writing than putting many words to paper and more to rewriting than rearranging those words. Dreaming about writing won't get you anywhere, and writing a thousand words a day won't help unless you know what to do with those words.'
I don't write novels but do occasionally write short articles pertaining to a dish I've just created or some other food related topic. So when Aggie Villanueva requested that I review her book The Rewritten Word, I had my doubts about the information pertaining to a cookbook writer like myself. I was wrong.
The Rewritten Word is broken into five lessons with the first four pertaining to all writings. Her 1st lesson `Organization' talks about "cutting to the chase" by eliminating rambling and teaches the writer to put their words in order of importance. In lesson 2 you will learn how to cut unnecessary words to create a better flow. I'm sure we are all guilty of over wording not just our writings but even our conversations. Lesson 3 talks about passive phrases giving examples in "past tense vs. present." I've often noticed, through my reading as well as listening to speakers, the use of the word "I". This overuse tends to make me feel that the person speaking or writing thinks entirely too much of themselves. Lesson 4 stresses the use of the right words. Aggie shares the importance of using a thesaurus when choosing words. I find this to be of value to me when choosing a name for a new recipe. It needs to be simple and understandable but catchy at the same time. And Lesson 5 brings all lessons together in the writing of fiction and setting moods.
Rewritten Word is only 35 pages (electronic version, 60 pages in Amazon Paperback, 75 pages at Lulu) long but those 35 pages are packed full of useful information that all writers, I feel sure, will find useful.
The Rewritten Word
Cielos Rojos Publishing
35 pages
ISBN# 978-0-9825914-2-0